Take Action

Constituents like you have an important voice when Congress is considering funding and other bills that will affect homelessness. If you’d like to hear about the most important legislative priorities in real time, please sign up for our advocacy alerts or simply complete one of the actions below.

  • Contact Your Representative: FY25 Homelessness Funding

    The House of Representatives is beginning to decide how much money they will allocate to programs that support homelessness solutions. It takes your voice in this process, early and often, to convince them to fund the most needed programs.

    Take Action

  • Contact Your Senator: FY25 Homelessness Funding

    The Senate is beginning to decide how much money they will allocate to programs that support homelessness solutions. It takes your voice in this process, early and often, to convince them to fund the most needed programs. Take action now!

    Take Action

  • Take Action: Tell Your Members of Congress to Support the Housing ACCESS Act

    The Housing ACCESS Act would do two important things: 1) align housing and health care resources at both federal and state levels, and 2) clarify how federal funds can be used to support local homeless services providers in building their infrastructure to seek Medicaid reimbursement. Take action now!

    Take Action

  • Take Action Against the Criminalization of Homelessness

    In states all over the country, an organized effort is seeking to criminalize homelessness while attacking best practices like Housing First. We need your help.

    Take Action

  • Sign Up for Alliance Advocacy Alerts

    Help the Alliance end homelessness. Sign up for our advocacy updates and get the most up-to-date resources and tools to take action on ending homelessness in your community.

    Take Action

Get Involved

It is always a good time to speak with your Representatives and Senators about ending homelessness. If you would like to get more involved, please email the Alliance’s Senior Field Organizer, Samantha Wood (swood@naeh.org).

Free Training: How to Advocate to Your Lawmaker

You can help end homelessness.

On any given night in America, more than half a million people are homeless. Donate today.